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Lázně Slatinice
Lázně Slatinice a.s.
783 42 Slatinice č. 29

For travel by car:

GPS coordinates:

49.5623889N, 17.0963611E

Mapa Google
Lázně Slatinice - výhody
By train
  • Slatinice train station is located about 800 meters from the spa. Transfer from the Slatinice railway station to the spa can be arranged in advance, the service is intended only for spa clients and is charged (CZK 50). Subject to change.
By bus
  • From Olomouc, line no. 370 to the Slatinice, lázně stop. The stop is right in front of the spa.
  • From Prostějov, line no. 401 to the Slatinice, Větřák stop. The stop is about 900 m away.

Lázně Slatinice - výhody
Taxi service
  • provided by the company Taxi plus, www.taxiplus.cz
  • route Olomouc hl.n. - Slatinice for a contractual flat rate of CZK 220. Subject to change

Taxi služba
Lázně Slatinice - výhody
Lázeňský dům Balnea ve Slatinicích hodnocení